Saturday, February 20, 2010


Well the title worked, cool. So anyway I was looking around at my blog and realized something. I have yet to write about fashion. I mean seriously, I have pathetic Emo poems, crazy embarrassing confessions, movie reviews, awful music, and a twix commercial but no clothes? MY BLOG IS NAKED!

So today I opened up one of my favorite magazines, ok my second favorite. Game informer is my first favorite but I digress. Anyway I opened up non other than a cosmopolitan magazine. After four grueling hours of sifting through mind-boggling sex positions and hair trends that never work I found the magical section about fashion week! Ok I lied, it wasn’t in there so I had to go online to cosmo’s site..Freakin liars! (lol juuussttt kidddinggg) looks away….

So I am into shock art, I guess you have noticed that by now. Obviously, the first thing I looked at when searching through the fashion week lines was, Yes, you guessed it, THE WEIRDEST SHIT I COULD FIND! and here it is (pulls red curtain back, curtain gets jammed, curtain falls on stage, goes to pick it up, falls, breaks my limbs….wait what?)

Want to listen to some music while you look? Click on “Pop Out Player” below :)

we have Anne Hathaway as the good…wait….rip off!


we have a girl wearing bloody pants and a blazer top, Lady GaGa called…..?

No wait, Megan Fox lawl

Jenifer’s body, get it? get it? nope, ok….


looks like a sundial…wonder if it works? lawl


She mourns in her spare time..more emo than my poems XD


This is great, why not go for broke and make the whole thing out of cards?   (Cheesy play on words FTW!!)


Didn’t I see her on a freelance job? (checks EVP’s)

Alright, So there weren’t a whole lot of super crazy outfits that I could find, however I did manage to come across some that I liked or at least ‘wanted’ to like. There was a futuristic line that I deemed the scifi/cyber line as well as a leather line WHICH we all know I am into leather! So lets see it already! Stupid skittles….

I actually like the shirt and shoes

I would want to tweak some things though.

….and kick the model with the mad face lol scurry.


I like this one as well but its too plain and I don’t like the color


I really really really like this one too. Awesome boots/leggings!


Ruffles made of leather: check. Dyed Black….


Looks like lingerie from the 90’s, and the color plz


The look on her face is priceless! LAWL


I love this! and the shoes too. Very Xtina Candyman ^.^


I like this but some things need to be changed, love the shoes



..again, nice shoes. Yep you guessed it!  (I <3 shoes!)




And for those of you who love Chobbits XD I actually do like this one though.

I admire the general idea that the designer had when picking the shoes but the clear part turns me off. To hooker-go-go for me.

So if you want to look at some other outfits from fashion week then head here Harper, here Vogue Australia and here M&C

So there you have it, my picks from three lines and what I think about them. My blog is no longer naked and embarrassed, yes Ollie I have shamed you! Just kidding. (Assumes fetal position and heads to newgrounds.)


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