Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Naturiste Recent Files - Page 82

Recent Posts
  • Nudist Friends Real Life Pics
  • Nude Girls Playing Outdoors
  • Nude Yoga Poses Gallery 2
  • Nude Yoga Poses Gallery 1
  • Cute Real Girls with Glasses
  • Teen Girlfriends in Private 3
  • Natural Blonde by the Lake
  • Lovely Teen Babe Outdoors
  • Young Blonde Model Posing
  • Teenage Girl Lovely Pussy 1
  • Teenage Girl Lovely Pussy 2
  • Young Cutie Having Hot Sex
  • Babes from Nature Paradise
  • Naturist Girls Beach Images
  • Young Fresh Girlfriend Pics

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nude photos of male, please help humiliate me

My name is Derek Jesso. I am from Canada. Here are some nude photos of myself. I like getting naked and posting myself naked for women to view. I also enjoy publicly humiliating myself and having others to laugh. I am a horses ass and want to be the shit under a woman’s ass.



Monday, September 28, 2009

Blogger brands Miss Singapore Universe’s 34-inch bust claim ‘false’

A woman blogger has claimed that the “assets” of the newly-crowned Miss Singapore Universe Rachel Kum are not 34-inch and she has given a fake measurement of her bust size.

According to Sin Chew Daily, prominent blogger Yu-Kym examined Kum’s pictures and alleged that she could have bragged about her 34-inch bust.

[Rachel Kum (middle) won Miss Universe Singapore on May 9]

Renowned for her straightforward postings on sex-related issues, Kym also noticed that many of the beauty contestants did “reveal” the truth about their vital statistics, especially their breast measurements.

“Contestants who boast of having 34-inch busts were certainly no match to top international models like Rachel Nichols and Gisele Bundchen who have a similar figure,” The Star Online quoted her as saying.

She questioned how the measurements were taken and whether it was done in accordance with international standards.

[Miss Singapore’s Rachel Kum on the right]

However, Daryl Pang, spokesman for Derrol Stepenny Promotions, the organiser of the beauty pageant, refuted the claims, and said that none of the contestants had cheated on their vital statistics.

Pang reportedly said that Kum’s vital statistics were real.

bron:, (ANI) [13-8-2009]

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Do Bad Guys Always Get the Girl?

When Mr. Nice loses out to Mr. Naughty in the dating game

If we are to believe the movies, the ruthless tough guy always gets the girl. And didn’t it seem that the bad boys at school always had the hottest babes? The best looking girls always seem to love the bad guys. Maybe because the best looking guys always became the bad guys? Everywhere we tend to see bad guys and nice girls. We see fools and meatheads with the girls of our fantasies. In the mall we see our flaxen haired goddesses with America’s Most Wanted. Is it nature at work, is it us, what has gone awry?

Men are confused. We like to refer to stereotypes and work from them. Men are told that we need to be a hero and a tough guy. But then we are told we need to be in touch with our sensitive sides. Meanwhile the man down the street who treats his girlfriends like crap, never calls, is rude and disrespect appears to have a fan club developing. Life, my friends, can seem unfair. But let’s look at what is going on with this scenario.

Interest. Bad guys are interesting, they do interesting things. They have strayed from the straight-and-narrow and have developed their own code of conduct. They do what they want. They go where they want. They answer to no one. They are, in other words, fascinating. Tow the line, do as you are told and inevitably you will be become dull. Mavericks are interesting, straight guys are not.

Bad guys are confident and self assured. They know what they’re about and don’t really care what others think. They are their own men and don’t need others to prop them up. Bad guys don’t have to be in shape, just look at James Galdofini from The Sopranos, who is immensely attractive despite his rotund appearance. Some can become almost caricaturesof themselves, but that doesn’t make them any less attractive.

Plus bad guys are a challenge. We all love a challenge, and women may love a challenge even more than the boys. If something is a challenge, the end results must surely be worthwhile, right? The girls who go after bad guys want to find the pot of gold at the end of crazy rainbow. They will go to great lengths to solve their mysteries. And once they have them, once they’ve conquered the challenge, they don’t want to let go. Plus it makes for an exciting rollercoaster ride because the bad guy could walk away at any moment. The greater the danger of loosing a bad guy, the greater the effort they’ll put forth to keep them. And there may be a lesson there.

What do we have if we combine these facets? Power, strength of character, confidence, a maverick nature and an immensely interesting personality equals sexiness. That is exactly what the bad boy is, so it’s no surprise that this type of guy often get the gal. It doesn’t mean to say that we like them, and it doesn’t mean it is fair or even a good thing, but raw attraction can be nature’s way.

I am not in any way suggesting that we should all be Mr. Bad Guy. Not at all. What I am saying is that there are lessons to be learned here. What is attractive can be modified and added to our arsenal of dating weaponry. How you perceive yourself that matters the most. If you can increase your confidence levels, get your career on the right tracks, excel in what you do and be your own man within the confines of your working life, then you’ll get that bad boy confidence. And that attitude will boost your attractiveness. You don’t need to go around being bad, but you can be a bit more deliberate in your actions, a little less available and a little more enigmatic. This will boost your interest factor and again help in your attractiveness.

The modern dating game is highly complex and courting rituals can be a minefield. Go back to basics, analyze what is it that you think potential partners would like and think about how can you match of yourself to those qualities. Changing just a few small things could make the world of difference.

Dania Ramirez Naked in Room 23

Dania Ramirez Naked in Room 23 I don’t watch Heroes anymore (because it sucks), so I don’t know if Dania Ramirez is still on the show, but I don’t really care, because there photos of Dania Ramirez naked in Room 23 are more than good enough to post. I’ve got to say, though, after seeing Marisa Miller naked in the bath, and Hayden Panettiere looking mighty sexy, Room 23 is turning out o be the book of the year.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pamela Sue Anderson Broke? Photos.

Does Pamela Sue Anderson Owe you Money?

Pamela’s Butt pops out


Looking Sexy

Owes a million Dollars

Flashing some butt

Perez dishes

Nice Milf

How to Travel Naked

Beer Alert

A Constellation of Idiots

It is Better to be Drunk than Wasted

Texas Toast


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Runes and Moons


Angelic Verses


Rumors of Angels




Digital Art

Angel Sightings

Cyber Rainbows

Selling Rainbows

  • ************************************************************

Janji = Janji

If I got my 3000th follower today, I’ll go into a Circle K naked.

Pernah baca kalimat itu akhir-akhir ini di dunia maya? Kalau kamu orang yang sering “ngoprek” internet, berseliweran di dunia maya, atau pengguna twitter yang rajin ngetwit dan baca update-an twitter orang-orang, mungkin tau benar kalimat diatas. Kalimat yang ditulis tanggal 21 September di twitter seseorang yang cukup terkenal bagi sebagian orang dan mungkin gak cukup terkenal bagi sebagian orang lainnya, termasuk saya. Joko Anwar namanya.

Entah mau bikin sensasi atau gak, ada maksud lain atau gak, Joko Anwar sang script writer juga sutradara nulis kalimat itu di twitter-nya. Hasilnya? Menyebar dan terus menyebar, dan berujung pada pembuktian janji. Naked. Telanjang. Bugil tanpa sehelai benang di Circle K. Seorang Joko Anwar pun menepati janjinya.

Setelah pembuktian janji, 22 September Joko Anwar di twitter-nya pun langsung menulis :

A promise is a promise, Mr. Politicians! .

Ya, janji adalah janji. Apapun janjinya seharusnya memang ditepati. Masalahnya hanya kekonyolan atau gak nya sebuah janji. Dan mungkin janji seorang Joko Anwar adalah janji konyol yang sudah ditepati. Sama dengan kekonyolan anak-anak SMA yang merasa bodoh dalam sekolahnya dan berjanji kalau mereka dinyatakan lulus Ujian Nasional, mereka akan telanjang dada hanya pake kolor saja, keliling kota.

Banyak orang di negeri ini suka yang namanya kontroversi. Saya gak tau berita tentang seorang script writer Quickie Express ini jadi berita yang kontroversi atau gak. Apakah akan tersangkut Undang-Undang Pornografi atau gak.

Seperti dua sisi mata uang. Saya merasa salut dengan janji konyol yang sudah ditepati Joko Anwar, hanya saja cuma janji konyolnya saja, sebagian orang mungkin risih atau malah marah. Saya? Saya ngeri kalau saya punya janji kaya gitu dan harus ditepati! Janji biasa pun sering gak ditepati, merasa malu, apalagi dengan DIA. Yang Maha Mengetahui janji-janji saya

Akhirnya adalah janji adalah janji. Siapapun orangnya, gak pandang golongan, janji adalah janji. Termasuk para politikus dan penguasa yang sudah menjadi rahasia umum sebagai pengobral janji. A promise is a promise, Mr. Politicans!

…Buktikan buktikan. Itu yang di nanti nanti. Buktikan buktikan. Kalau hanya omong. Burung beo pun bisa… (Lagu : Buktikan. Iwan Fals)

Selamat hari jumat. Hari istimewa dari enam hari lainnya. Hari yang konon hari datangnya hari kiamat. Hari diterima taubatnya Nabi Adam. Hari dipertemukannya Nabi Adam dan Hawa. Jumat istimewa

- – - -

Sudah pernah bikin janji konyol dan ditepati? Kalo belum, berniat bikin janji konyol? Saya mah gak dulu ah!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Aubrey O'Day: Called in Sick, 2nd Day of PEEPSHOW !!

Aubrey O’day is the new Peep “Diva” for the Peepshow at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas.  While working in Las Vegas, Aubrey is also filming her reality TV show. Monday was the first day of work for Aubrey and on her first day of work she and follow co-star, Holly Madison took their tops off and showed us their fake breast implants. [Pop the hood and see pics there]

The second day of work she called in sick because supposedly she had lost her voice. Translation: Aubrey partied tooo hard on her first day of work and has a massive hangover.

Ayi Aubrey, calling in sick on your 2nd day of work is no bueno!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Getting Naked...

To me fashion is not always about what you wear but, what you don’t wear. Sometimes you have to show a little skin. Being sexy is being confident so, if you can learn to flaunt your body in a way that’s not sleazy and makes you feel pretty it will show. You should pick a favorite body part, it doesn’t even have to be that risqué, and specialize in showing it off. Your shoulders for example, are not a body part typically associated with sex but, a nice pair displayed correctly can be quite coquettish. It might sound trite but you have to work with what you have.

Another trick so you don’t cross down the path to hooker avenue, is making sure your only showing off one region at a time. Just take it easy, you would not want to show off your legs and your abdomen at the same time, it looks whorish. Okay well, this is going to be it for tonight loves. I definitely have more to say about this topic though so, I would say it’s to be continued.
                               Good night,

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lady Gaga per Marc Jacobs

Un’altra star che ha partecipato alla New York Fashion Week è Lady Gaga, che però non ha lasciato a casa i suoi look eccentrici e completamente out. Ma cosa ha attirato di più l’attenzione dei fotografi? La vicinanza tra Lady Gaga e la regina del pop, Madonna, nel privè di Marc Jacobs. Entrambe in total look Marc Jacobs ed entrambe out: Lady Gaga per la maschera borchiata e i capelli biondo-fuxia arruffati, fermati con un cappello, mentre Madonna indossava un vestito trasparente, con stivali in pelle fino a mezza coscia e chiodo. Madonna aveva proprio parlato della nuova promessa del pop in un’intervista, ammettendo di ammirarla e, a quanto pare, anche sul look sono d’accordo.

Ma Lady Gaga è stata anche protagonista del party di Marc Jacobs e V Magazine, con una mise ancora più shock. La cantante è salita sul palco con una tutina di pizzo rosso, che lasciava ben poco all’immaginazione, anche a causa del mini tanga indossato e dall’assenza del reggiseno. Altro dettaglio out, l’acconciatura: una parte di capelli stile Marilyn Monroe e un’altra, sul retro, in stile aureola da santino. Sinceramente, non mi escono altre parole per descriverla, ma penso che le foto parlino da sè.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Personal Massage Experience

I was slightly trigger today as I drove by the massage clinic I went to a couple of years ago and acted out with the therapist.  At the time I was overwhelmed by the need to be touched and held by another masculine man.  I know that I was struggling with issues of masculinity and was highly triggered by muscular guys.  I had responded to several ads on Craigslist (CL) looking for other guys for massage exchanges.  This therapist responded.  I had seen his posts several times on CL but never face shots.  He had incredibly well defined pecs and thick muscular arms.   He always posted his shots holding his thick penis hanging out of his shorts with no face shot.  We exchanged several emails over a few days and I thought that I had been clear on my boundaries and expectations for getting together.  He was a professional massage therapist and owns his own clinic but because we were going to exchange massage I was not a client.

I have to admit, that I love getting naked with another guy.  There is something very open, bonding, masculine and vulnerable about the experience.  I still have work to do around this but have set clear boundaries that this is a behavior I cannot participate.   I got naked immediately as did he and instantly was charged by all of the naked muscle that came into view.  I managed to keep my erection in control as I jumped on his massage table.  He had great touch and I really enjoyed the experience and relaxed and told myself that this was going to be a positive and safe experience.  I did guide his hands away from my penis after I flipped over and he finished the massage trying to stay within my boundaries.  He demonstrated immediately that he wanted to push those boundaries.

We then exchanged places and I began to massage his back, butt, and legs.  Feeling his muscle tone and mass as I pressed deeply was very arousing.  I could feel the sexual energy building.  I should have got dressed, packed it up and got out but the feelings of arousal and excitement continued to grow.  If only I knew then what I know now of all of the biochemicals being activated in my brain as part of an addictive cycle.  When he flipped over and I saw how big his erection was I knew that I was at risk but continue to massage his chest, abs, and worked by way around his stiff member.  I purposely drew my naked body as close as I could to his to feel the warmth and stimulation.  The next steps are a blur.  I  remember that he sat up and grabbed the back of my head and just started french kissing me.  I had never been kissed by a man before and felt his warm tongue inside my mouth immediately.  I did not pull back and reciprocated aggressively sucking his tongue.  This was even more arousing and then he grabbed my penis and just pulled it next to him in classic hip thrusting frot.  The sensation was overwhelming and he stayed in my mouth as we stood there grinding on each other.  I do remember trying to back away and put myself back into some sense of my boundaries but it was just to late.  I was experiencing full erotica, having a sexual experience with another man.  I eventually exploded in a huge release all over his well toned abs and felt the warm semen as he exploded on me and it mixed together being rubbed into both our abs.

He would have kept going and wanted to take it to the next level by sucking me off but the reality of what had just happened began to rush into my conscience and I immediately started to feel the deep pain and sorrow for what I did.  How did I get into this situation?  How could I do this to my wife?  How am I going to explain the behavior to others?  My mind immediately was flooded with questions.  It was at this point I pulled myself together, got dressed and left the room.  This is something I should have done an hour before.   I started to go into denial space and told myself that it was not sex and that I did not have oral or anal experience so therefore I did not cheat on my wife.  I kept telling myself that it would never happen again and that my wife or church leaders would not understand what I was going through and how badly I needed to connect with men intimately.  The entire drive home I rationalized the experience away having no idea that it would open up a new cycle with new experiences for me and happen again.

I am not going to lie to anyone on this blog and say that I did not like the seconds of pleasure, but like the addiction cycle outlines, I did feel the full brunt of emotional pain after it was over.  Matter of fact, it brought up a lot of abuse memories when I fell victim to my abuser and I was forced to live through those memories as well for several weeks after.  At that time, I had not started any therapy and kept the event completely to myself and hidden like I had done with so many of my online experiences.  The difference this time was I had left the virtual world and actually experienced it with another human being.

As part of this blogging process I am going to detail each of the experiences that I had.  It is important to me to continue to bring them out of shadow into the light and acknowledge them.  I have been completely open with my spouse and church leaders about all events but have provided a lot more detail here about my emotions, thoughts and shame.  I have felt a great deal of shame through these process and am just now starting to let go.  I will not apologize and will not be ashamed of graphic language as I share these stories.  I will be straight forward and honest with any questions I get as a result of these posts.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Naked GHOULS Reading - November 1st

The Chicago Naked Girls desend upond Madison, Wisconsin on November 1st for ghost stories and tales from the great beyond.  Michelle L’amour and a choice selection of her Chicago girls will visit Mad City to regale and titillate audiences with this spooky event.

This private event will be held on November 1st from 7-10pm at a private venue located at 817 E. Johnson Street, Madison, WI 53703 and is BYOB.

Purchase your reservation now (this event will likely sell out, get yours now):

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ρίξε στο κορμί μου σπίρτο, και νέφτι, και βενζίνη, και οινόπνευμα και ότι άλλο θες.

Έχεις ανάψει, έχεις καψώσει; Η θερμοκρασία του κορμιού σου έχει ανέβει επικύνδυνα; Αν η απάντηση σε όλα είναι ναι, τότε πρέπει να καλέσεις επειγόντως την πυροσβεστική. Αν όμως αντί για τον κλασικό Έλληνα πυροσβέστη με το μπυρόκοιλο και το μουστάκι σκάσει μύτη ο William Levy τότε τι κάνεις;  Μα φυσικά ορμάς και χάνεστε και οι δυο στις φλόγες του κορμιού σου. Ηδονικά και ερωτικά..  (Πρέπει να αφήσω τα άρλεκιν και να διαβάσω πάλι καμιά παθολογία.. Το ΄χάνω!)

Friday, September 11, 2009


It’s the 3rd time… we restock it…… only for the super high demand.. and people keep inquiring about this Marc Jacbos naked series!

SO…. here it comes….

we got this Marc by Marc Jacobs tee from MARC JACOBS First class direct!

Wear this tee to support NYU Cancer Institute!

also this time… we got NEW tees!!!!!


If you wanna check out how real are her boobs…. hahaha oops sorry, she covered it up!

I really like the back of this tee!

She looks like Madonna in this picture~ She is Helena Christensen!

Finally… we got this!

Marc Jacobs also getting naked to support this cause!

Come get it!!!! @ Superbored!


SHAWNE MERRIMAN AND TILA TEQUILA: NFL Player Arrested, Accused Of Choking Reality Star

Tequila, 27, signed a citizen’s arrest warrant, charging Merriman with battery and false imprisonment, San Diego County Sheriff’s Lt. Gary Steadman said.

Both are felonies.

Deputies responded about 3:45 a.m. to Merriman’s house in Poway, north of San Diego, after a woman called to say she was choked by the player and thrown to the ground when she tried to leave, Sheriff’s Department spokesman Jan Caldwell said at a news conference.

Merriman’s attorney, Todd Macaluso, disputed Tequila’s story and said he’s confident Merriman won’t be charged by the District Attorney’s Office.

“There was absolutely no wrongdoing on the part of Mr. Merriman,” Macaluso told The Associated Press by phone. “He essentially was doing what was appropriate under the circumstances in trying to protect the safety of Miss Tequila. There were numerous eyewitnesses that will support his version of the events that transpired at his home.”

Merriman, 25, was taken into custody and booked into the central jail at about 8:30 a.m. He was released shortly after 11 a.m.

Merriman didn’t return two e-mails seeking comment. His agent, Tom Condon, said he hadn’t heard about the arrest when contacted by The Associated Press.

There had been considerable Twitter chatter between Tequila and Merriman during the last two months. She tweeted several times about going to the Chargers’ game Friday night and a party she held afterward at a downtown club, including:

_ “Im the Head Cheerleader Prom Queen and (at)shawnemerriman is the Prom King! hahaha! LETS GOOO! LIGHTS OUT! SAN DIEGO I WILL SEE U TOMORROW!”

Merriman was the 12th overall pick out of Maryland in the 2005 draft, and had 39 1/2 sacks in his first three seasons. The three-time Pro Bowl selection has been getting back into shape after missing nearly all of last season following knee surgery.

The Chargers, picked by some as Super Bowl favorites, open the regular season a week from Monday night at Oakland. Players had been off since after Friday night’s exhibition finale against San Francisco. They are due back at practice on Monday.

“It’s disappointing to hear about the issue involving Shawne Merriman,” Chargers general manager A.J. Smith said in statement. “We’ll continue to monitor the situation and let the legal process run its course.”

Smith didn’t return a call seeking further comment.

Smith often speaks of signing “character” players, yet the Chargers have had their share of embarrassing off-field problems in recent seasons.



Sunday, September 6, 2009

Australian teacher hypnotized students for sex

Australian teacher hypnotized students for sex.

In Adelaide, Australia, a teacher has been arrested for suspicion of hypnotising his students and followed by a rape. The man would allegedly have worked together with other colleagues. The group of teachers is being sued for 146 cases of pedophilia.

The incidents took place between 1967 and 1990, according to The Daily Telegraph. The currently 66 year old former clergy man Brian Spillane would be the main responsible man. He would have hypnotized boys first, and later tried to hypnotize girls. This took place in the showers of the school, but also during prayers, according to witnesses.

bron: [2-9-2009]


Saturday, September 5, 2009

People find me attractive

When I was growing up I nearly always had a girl friend. I remember being as young as 6 years old and ‘dating’ the Minister’s daughter. Every day, after Sunday School, we’d go across to her house and play with her brother’s Lego. Then, of course, there was Jane and Nanette in first grade who continually fought over me and my affections. Jane was the smart one who knew how to engage me on an intellectual level, but Nanette was just so very cute. In second grade I met Cheryl, a girl who could have easily passed off as my twin sister. We got on like a house on fire and spent every day together. But then things started to change.

After changing schools almost every of my childhood I was always the outsider. No sooner would I make friends and then find myself moving somewhere else. By the time thirds grade came along I found myself in a hostile classroom where I was instantly disliked by the girls for no apparent reason other than I had previously come from the ‘B’ class and they had always been together in the ‘A’ class.

By the time I reached high school we had moved about a dozen times. I was an awkward teenager, shy, skinny, not athletic, ears seemingly bigger than they should be. I didn’t really have any friends and sort of floated between peer groups. I was the obvious outsider. As you can imagine, there was a lot of teasing and a lot of bullying, and I felt unwanted and ugly. It’s something that is still with me today. It’s something that I always struggle with.

Things seem to have changed now though — and that’s what I have to focus on and remind myself.

A new colleague joined me on a project a few years ago. She was loud, flamboyant and lots of fun to be around. At one stage, when together with one of her friends on the project, she referred to me as ‘eye-candy’.  It was something her friend repeated on a number of occasions several times during the year and still reminds me of from time-to-time when we see each other. When at a conference not too long ago, one of the attendees kept looking at me from across the other side of the table and smiling suggestively. Eventually, she came up to me and introduced herself. After walking with a friend they asked whether I had seen the stare from a passer by, noting that she gave me ‘the look’ and couldn’t take her eyes off my crotch. There was even a time when I felt a little nervous about making a presentation to my peers when someone humorously suggested that “I picture myself naked” (obviously making a joke given you typically picture the audience being naked). A conversation then ensued, followed by an enthusiastic vote amongst some of my female friends about whether I should do the presentation without my pants.

Yes, things have changed. I’m older and wiser, and definitely attractive to the opposite sex.
